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When Is the Right Time to Seek Home Care for Seniors?


Today, your elderly parent or loved one may be living independently at home, but there will come a time when they need additional help. When that time comes, aged care services are an excellent option that delivers care to their home. This promotes healthy aging and enables your loved one to stay where they feel most comfortable – home.

However, it’s not always easy to determine when is the right time for home care. Seniors may not admit they need help for fear of losing their independence and becoming a burden. By knowing the signs, you can provide support when needed. As a provider of disability support services in Mooroopna, Victoria, we will break down the signs you need to watch out for:

  • Poor Eating HabitsWhether due to physical or mental changes, seniors often struggle to maintain healthy eating habits. If you notice considerable weight loss or gain, it’s a sign your loved one may not be getting the adequate nutrition they need.
  • Frequent Falls or AccidentsFalls are a major health concern for seniors and can affect their health and quality of life. Frequent falls and accidents, as well as changes in gait, indicate mobility issues. Personal care services in Victoria may entail hands-on assistance to promote safety.
  • Declining HygieneDo you notice body odor, stains, and other signs of poor hygiene? This may be a sign your loved one is unable to look after their hygiene and grooming needs. This may also indicate a gradual decline in health.

We at Care 4 You Support Services offer in-home care services to support your needs. To learn more about home and respite care services in Victoria, kindly get in touch with us.

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